Rose Chapman
Portrait of Rose
Aliases Coyote
Family Adam Chapman (son)
Biographical information
Date of birth March 31, 1993
Physical description
Species Human
Gender Female
Height 1,68 m
Weight 100 kg
Eye color Brown
Hair color Black

Rose Chapman

You're a very brave little girl Alice. You deserve to be happy

Rose Chapman is a human in Detroit: Become Human. She lives with her son Adam Chapman on her Farm outside Detroit. She secretly sympathizes with deviant androids and helps smuggle them across the border to Canada.


At some point she married a man, and their son, Adam, was born on August 5, 2013. They had a farm where they grew and sold vegetables.

In 2036 her husband died of cancer.

In 2037, the first android arrived at Rose's Farm. Rose hid him for a while, but he wanted to cross the border to Canada; he was shot dead in the attempt. Rose then began purposefully helping deviants, hiding them and helping them escape further and to Canada.

Rose has a brother that in 2038 lives in Ontario, Canada.


Rose is seen wearing a warm, light blue vest, a checkered, light pink and blue shirt and a blue, long sleeve shirt underneath. She also wears a charm around her neck.


Rose lives with her son Adam on a small farm in the suburbs of Detroit. When her husband died suddenly of cancer, Rose had no choice but to fend for her son and herself, continuing to operate the small family farm to meet their meager needs.

Rose also helps deviants seeking to cross the border, seeing them as slaves fleeing oppression who must be protected at all costs.


In concept art, Rose was conceptualized as a slim white woman.

Rose is portrayed by Dana Gourrier.


We grow vegetables to ell at the market... We'll never be rich, but there's always food on the table.

So, can you tell me what a deviant's doing in the snow with a little girl?

Adam Chapman
Portrait of Adam
Family Rose Chapman (mother)
Biographical information
Date of birth August 5, 2013
Physical description
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1,83 m
Weight 73 kg
Eye color Blackn
Hair color Black

Adam Chapman

You're alive, you deserve to be free.

Adam Chapman is a human in Detroit: Become Human. He lives with his mother Rose Chapman on Rose's Farm outside Detroit.


Adam is the son of Rose Chapman. He has quit school to work on the farm full time. His father died of cancer in 2036.

He is afraid that the police will come for his mother, due to her helping deviant androids escape the country and wonders why his mother wants to help the androids.

Adam is seen working outside the house and is the first person to greet Kara, Alice, and Luther when they arrive at the farm seeking refuge. After Rose invites the trio into her home, Adam gets into an argument with his mother over sheltering androids, fearing they will likely get arrested.

Subsequently, while Rose is out, a police officer comes knocking at the door. Adam's nervousness may raise the officer's suspicion if Kara doesn't dismiss his behavior as exhaustion.

Later in story, if Kara got in trouble, Adam may call them over and tell them to get in his mother's car. They will arrive at the river that runs through Canada and his mother will come to pay the smuggler the money for the boats.


Adam Chapman is portrayed by Bruce Sherfield, who provided the voice acting and performance capture. Adam is not made in his actor's likeness.

In concept art, Adam, along with Rose, was at some point conceptualized as white.

Adam has a patch on the right arm of his jacket that reads "MOUNTAIN."


I'm not going to prison because you wanna help these freaks!